Create taxonomy tree programmatically including vocabulary creation

Sometimes setting up all the taxonomy tree manually it's a complex task, especially if you have hundreds of terms to create, re-parent.

Bellow is a code snippet I created to manage a fast and clear taxonomy term creation.

It can support unlimited nested tree as the job is done recursively.

Comments in snippet are self-explanatory.

 * Example of how to use functionality.
 * Usually it will be called in hook_install() or hook_update()
function _taxonomy_tree_generate_example() {
  $trees = array(
    'Article Type' => array(
    'Category' => array(
      'Level 1' => array(
        'Level 2 1',
        'Level 2 2' => array(
          'Level 3 1',
          'Level 3 2',
          'Level 3 3' => array(
            'Level 4 1',
            'Level 4 2'
        'Level 2 3',
      'Destinations' => array(
        'More terms',
      'And so on...',


 * Loop through the Vocabularies and generate all the taxonomy tree.
function taxonomy_tree_generate($trees) {
  foreach ($trees as $vocabulary_name => $vocabulary_tree) {
    _taxonomy_tree_generate_create_vocabulary_tree($vocabulary_name, $vocabulary_tree);

 * Initial preparing for processing the nested array.
function _taxonomy_tree_generate_create_vocabulary_tree($vocabulary_name, $vocabulary_tree) {
  // Create vocabulary if it doesn't exist.
  $vocabulary = _taxonomy_tree_generate_get_vocabulary_by_name($vocabulary_name);
  if (!isset($vocabulary->vid)) {
    if (!function_exists('pathauto_cleanstring')) {
      module_load_include('inc', 'pathauto');
    $vocabulary = new stdClass();
    $vocabulary->name = $vocabulary_name;
    if (function_exists('pathauto_cleanstring')) {
      $vocabulary_machine_name = pathauto_cleanstring($vocabulary_name);
    else {
      $vocabulary_machine_name = drupal_strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-z\d ]/i', '', check_plain($vocabulary_name)));
    $vocabulary->machine_name = str_replace('-', '_', $vocabulary_machine_name);

  // Test purpose, delete all terms before create them.
  //foreach (taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid) as $term) {
  //  taxonomy_term_delete($term->tid);
  // Create taxonomy tree recursively.
  _taxonomy_tree_generate_create_one_level_tree($vocabulary_tree, $vocabulary);

 * Create taxonomy tree recursively.
function _taxonomy_tree_generate_create_one_level_tree($vocabulary_tree, $vocabulary, $parent = 0) {
  $weight = 0;
  foreach ($vocabulary_tree as $parent_term_name => $term_name) {
    // If one level.
    if (!is_array($term_name)) {
      $term = _taxonomy_tree_generate_create_term($term_name, $vocabulary, $parent, $weight);
    // If two levels or more.
    else {
      $term = _taxonomy_tree_generate_create_term($parent_term_name, $vocabulary, $parent, $weight);
      // Go deeper.
      _taxonomy_tree_generate_create_one_level_tree($term_name, $vocabulary, $term->tid);


function _taxonomy_tree_generate_create_term($name, $vocabulary, $parent, $weight) {
  $term = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($name, $vocabulary->machine_name);
  if (empty($term)) {
    $term = new stdClass();
    $term->name = $name;
    $term->vid = $vocabulary->vid;
  else {
    $term = reset($term);
  // Even if term exist already, we want to push our parent and weight.
  $term->parent = $parent;
  $term->weight = $weight;

  return $term;

 * Get vocabulary object by vocabulary name.
function _taxonomy_tree_generate_get_vocabulary_by_name($vocabulary_name) {
  $query = db_select('taxonomy_vocabulary', 'tv');
  $query->fields('tv', array(
  $query->condition('', $vocabulary_name, '=');
  $vocabulary = $query->execute()->fetchObject();
  return $vocabulary;


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